EECS 484 Projects | p3-mongodb
Project 3: MongoDB
Worth | Released | Due |
100 points (30 for Part A, 70 for Part B) | Feb 21st | Mar 28th at 11:45 PM EST |
Project 3 is due on Mar 28th at 11:45 PM EST. Please refer to the EECS 484 W25 Course Policies for more information on penalties for late submissions, late day tokens, and sick days.
In Project 3, we will use a similar dataset as in Project 2 and explore the capabilities of MongoDB (a NoSQL DBMS). There are two parts to the project. Part A of the project does not use MongoDB. You will be extracting data from tables in the Fakebook database and exporting a JSON file output.json that contains information about users. In Part B of the project, you will be importing output.json (or a sample.json that we give you) into MongoDB to create a mongoDB collection of users. You will then need to write 7 queries on the users collection. You can start on Part A right away without knowing anything about MongoDB, whereas Part B will require you to use MongoDB.
This project is to be done in teams of 2 students. Be sure to create your team on the Autograder.
Honor Code
By submitting this project, you are agreeing to abide by the Honor Code: “I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this assignment, nor have I concealed any violations of the Honor Code.” You may not share answers with other students actively enrolled in the course outside of your teammate, nor may you consult with students who took the course in previous semesters. You are, however, allowed to discuss general approaches and class concepts with other students, and you are also permitted (and encouraged!) to post questions on Piazza.
Part A: Export Oracle Database to JSON
Introduction to JSON
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a way to represent data in a key-value format, much like a std::map
in C++. JSON differs from maps in C++ in that the values do not have to be consistent in terms of data type. Here is an example of a JSON object (initialized in JavaScript):
var student1 = {"Name": "John Doe", "Age": 21, "Major": ["CS", "Math"]}
In student1
, Name, Age and Major are the keys. Their corresponding value types are string, integer and array of strings. Note that JSON objects themselves can be values for other JSON objects. Below is an example of retrieving the value for a key:
student1["Name"]; // returns "John Doe"
With multiple JSON objects, we can create a JSON array in JavaScript:
var students = [
{"Name": "John Doe", "Age": 21, "Major": ["CS", "Math"]},
{"Name": "Richard Roe", "Age": 22, "Major": ["CS"]},
{"Name": "Joe Public", "Age": 21, "Major": ["CE"]} ];
students [0] ["Name"]; // returns "John Doe"
Export to JSON
Your job for Part A is to query the Project 3 Fakebook Oracle database (tables are prefixed with project3.public_
) to export comprehensive information on each user. The results should be stored in a JSONArray
, containing 800 JSONObjects
for 800 users. It is suggested that you use multiple queries to retrieve all the information. This should feel very similar to Project 2. Each JSONObject
should include:
- user_id (
) - first_name (
) - last_name (
) - gender (
) - YOB (
) - MOB (
) - DOB (
) - friends (
) that contains: all of the user ids of users who are friends with the current user, and has a larger user id than the current user. Note that Friends relationship is assumed to be symmetric. If user 700 is friends with user 25, it will show up on the list for user 25 but will not show up on the list for user 700. - current (
) that contains:- city
- state
- country
- hometown (
) that contains:- city
- state
- country
Below is an example of one element of this JSONArray
. It is possible that a user might have no list of friends, current city, or hometown city. In this case, put an empty JSONArray([])
as the value for the “friends” key of that user or an empty JSONObject({})
as the value for the “current” or “hometown” key of that user. See sample.json
for the correct output.
"MOB": 10,
"hometown": {
"country": "Middle Earth",
"city": "Linhir",
"state": "Gondor"
"current": {
"country": "Middle Earth",
"city": "Caras Galadhon",
"state": "Lothlorien"
"gender": "female",
"user_id": 744,
"DOB": 14,
"last_name": "MARTINEZ",
"first_name": "Lily",
"YOB": 516,
"friends": [754, 760, 772, 782]
Starter Files
Download the starter files (p3-starter-code.tar.gz).
For Part A, you only need to be concerned about the following files
Submit this file. Implement toJSON()
by querying the users, friends, and cities tables to retrieve data from the Oracle Database. The writeJSON()
function will take care of converting your output (a JSONArray
) into a JSON string stored in output.json
. Feel free to use the SQL*Plus CLI; the table names are listed in the beginning of this file.
This file provides the main driver function for running Part A. You should use it to run your program, but you don’t need to turn it in. When
is run, an output file named output.json
should be generated. Modify the oracleUserName
and password
static variables, replacing them with your own Oracle username and password.
static String oracleUserName = "uniqname"; // replace with your uniqname
static String password = "password"; // replace with your Oracle password (default: eecsclass)
Once you have implemented
and modified
, you can compile and run your program.
$ make compile
$ make run
If your username/password combination is incorrect in
, you will get an error message java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
. If you need to reset your password, refer to Tools.
This file contains the JSON data from running the instructor implementation of toJSON()
. Please do not validate your output using diff output.json sample.json
because JSON arrays are likely to come out in different orderings between any two runs. However, output.json
and sample.json
should contain the same elements in the JSON array. There are command line json processors that allow you to diff the contents properly. jd (github and online) and deepdiff are both valid options.
json_simple-1.1.jar, json-20151123.jar, ojdbc6.jar
These jar packages help compile your code. Do not modify them.
Wrapping Up
Part A and Part B in this project do not depend on each other. You may set up your database for Part B using sample.json
to test your MongoDB queries. The Autograder testing on Part B does not rely on a correct output.json
from Part A.
If you’d like, you can also submit
from Part A on the Autograder without completing Part B.
Part B: MongoDB Queries
Introduction to MongoDB
MongoDB is a document-oriented noSQL DBMS. Each document in MongoDB is one JSON object, with key-value pairs of data, just like how a tuple in SQL has fields of data. Each collection in MongoDB is one JSON array of multiple documents, just like how a table in SQL has multiple tuples. Refer to the following table for some high-level differences between SQL and MongoDB.
SQL | MongoDB |
Tuple | Document. Represented as a JSON object |
Relation/Table | Collection. Represented as a JSON array |
SELECT * FROM Users; |
db.users.find(); |
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE name = 'John' AND age = 50; |
db.users.find({name: 'John', age: 50}); |
SELECT user_id, addr FROM Users WHERE name = 'John'; |
db.users.find({name: 'John'}, {user_id: 1, addr: 1, _id: 0}); |
Logging into MongoDB
To run the MongoDB queries, you will need to login to a mongo
shell. You may either download MongoDB(v3.6) on your personal computer with a private server, or access CAEN and use the shared server. We recommend the second approach, but both options are listed below.
Local MongoDB
To use MongoDB on your local machine, refer to MongoDB’s installation instructions. Once you have installed it and run the server, to connect to your private server, you will generally type mongosh
with the database name in a Terminal window:
$ mongosh <database> # omit angle brackets
The CAEN and MongoDB server currently use MongoDB v3.6, which is an older version. Thus, the starter file Makefile
does not work in a local environment unless properly modified. The minimum change needed is to replace “mongo “ by “mongosh “ in various commands. In that case, you local mongosh will connect to our server. The reason is that v3.6 used “mongo” – CAEN still uses that for the mongo shell. But, you likely will install a more recent version, where the shell is renamed to mongosh.
To use the local instance entirely, no hostname, userid, or password is
required. So edit your Makefile
such that these fields are removed from all of your make rules. In our Makefile
, uniqname
is the name of the database that mongo
will use for commands. Also, you will need to replace “mongo” in the file by “mongosh”, since Mongo renamed the command in recent releases.
There are a few other differences in Mongo 3.6 and current versions, but they are minor. For example, version 3.6 uses db.collection.count() to count documents. Use that when needed even if it is now deprecated in recent releases. Your final solution should work with the autograder (and thus version 3.6 of Mongo).
To use MongoDB on CAEN, we have set up a MongoDB server on the host
. To connect to this server, ssh into CAEN. Double check that you have the mongodb
module loaded (see Class Modules).
Then, fill in the uniqname
and password
fields in the Makefile
. The default MongoDB password is your uniqname. If you have the wrong login credentials, you will get the error message Error: Authentication failed
uniqname = uniqname # replace with your uniqname
password = password # replace with your mongoDB password (default: your uniqname)
Then, login into the mongo shell. You can use this interactive shell to test queries directly on your database, similar to the SQL*Plus CLI in Projects 1 and 2.
$ make loginmongo
The mongo shell will open up in your terminal. You can update your password with the following command, which will take effect when you log out.
> db.updateUser("uniqname", {pwd : "newpassword" })
Do not include the ‘$’ symbol in your password. You may be unable to login again, and you will have to ask the staff to reset your account.
Import JSON to MongoDB
Now that you have access to a MongoDB database, the next step is to load data into it. Open a terminal in the folder where you have sample.json
(or output.json
) and Makefile
. Update the Makefile
with your new password and run either of the following
$ make setupsampledb # load user collection using sample.json
$ make setupmydb # load user collection using output.json
Refer to the Makefile
for the details on the actual commands. Please do not modify the –collection users
field. On success, you should have imported 800 user documents. As a reminder, sample.json
is correct and given in the starter files. output.json
is generated by your code from Part A.
Testing Your Queries
In the next section, you will implement 7 queries in the given JavaScript files. The file test.js
contains one simple test on each of the queries. In test.js
, you will need to set the dbname
variable equal to your uniqname, as that will serve as the name of your database.
let dbname = "uniqname"; // replace with your uniqname
To run test.js
, use the following Makefile command
$ make mongotest
You may use test.js
to check partial correctness of your implementations. Note that an output saying "Local test passed! Partially correct."
does not assure your queries will get a full score on the Autograder. Each test also has a line you can uncomment to show the output for a specific test. For example, the test for query 1 looks like
print("=== Test 1 ===");
let test1 = find_user("Bucklebury", dbname);
// print(test1); // uncomment this line to print the query1 output
let ans1 = test1.length;
if (ans1 == 42) {
print("Local test passed! Partially correct.");
} else {
print("Local test failed!");
print("Expected 42 users from Bucklebury, you found", ans1, "users.");
Query 1: Townspeople
In this query, we want to find all users whose hometown city is the specified city
. The result is to be returned as a JavaScript array of user ids. The order of user ids does not matter.
You may find db.collection.find()
and cursor.forEach()
Query 2: Flatten Friends
In Part A, we created a friends
array for every user using JDBC. Each user (JSON object) has friends
(JSON array) that contains all the user_id
s representing friends of the current user who have a larger user_id
. In this query, we want to restore the friendship information into a friend pair table format.
Create a collection called flat_users
. Documents in the collection follow this schema:
{"user_id": xxx, "friends": xxx}
For example, if we have the following user in the users collection:
{"user_id": 100, "first_name": "John" , ... , "friends": [ 120, 200, 300 ]}
The query would produce 3 documents (JSON objects) and store them in the collection flat_users
{"user_id": 100, "friends": 120},
{"user_id": 100, "friends": 200},
{"user_id": 100, "friends": 300}
You do not need to return anything for this query.
You may find $unwind
helpful. You may use $project
and $out
to create the collection, or you may insert tuples into flat_users
Query 3: City Dwellers
Create a collection named cities
. Each document in the collection should contain two fields: a field called _id
holding the city name, and a users field holding an array of user_id
s who currently live in that city. The user_id
s do not need to be sorted but should be distinct. For example, if users 10, 20 and 30 live in Bucklebury, the following document will be in the collection cities
{"_id": "Bucklebury", "users": [ 10, 20, 30]}
You do not need to return anything for this query.
You may find $group
Query 4: Matchmaker
Find all user_id
pairs (A, B) that meet the following requirements:
- user A is
and user B is"female"
- the difference between their year of births (
) is less than the specifiedyear_diff
- user A and user B are not friends
- user A and user B are from the same
Your query should return a JSON array of pairs, where each pair is an array with two user_id
s. In other words, you should return an array of arrays.
You may find cursor.forEach()
helpful. You may also use array.indexOf()
to check for the non-friend constraints.
Query 5: Oldest Friends
Find the oldest friend for each user who has friends. For simplicity, use only the YOB
field to determine age. In case of a tie, return the friend with the smallest user_id
Notice in the users collection, each user only has information on friends whose user_id
is greater than their user_id
. You will need to consider all existing friendships. It may be helpful to go over some of the strategies you used in Queries 2 and 3. Collections created by your queries such as flat_user
and cities
will not persist across test cases in the Autograder. If you want to re-use any of these collections, you should create them again in the corresponding queries.
Your query should return a JSON object: the keys should be user_id
s and the value for each user_id
is their oldest friend’s user_id
. The order of your results does not matter. The number of key-value pairs should be the same as the number of users who have friends. The schema should look like:
{user_id1: user_idx,
user_id2: user_idy,
You may find $or, $in, and cursor.sort() helpful. Again, you can also choose to do this query iteratively.
Query 6: Average Friend Count
Find the average number of friends a user has in the users
collection and return a decimal number. The average friend count on users
should also consider those who have 0 friends. In order to make this easier, we’re treating the number of friends that a user has as equal to the number of friends in their friend list. We are not counting users with lower ids, since they aren’t in the friend list. Do not round the result to an integer.
Query 7: Birth Months using Aggregate
Use the aggregate command to create a collection called countbymonth that has the following schema:
MOB: [Value between 1 and 12]
borncount: number of users born in that month
You should end up with 12 records in the collection sorted by ascending order of MOB. The borncount values should add up to total number of users in the original collection. Your function should not return anything.
Note: The autograder is currently using version 3.6 of MongoDB (older version). The following accumulate command is not available: $count. Instead, $sum with an appropriate argument can be used to achieve the same result as counting.
The deliverable for Part A is
. The deliverables for Part B are query[1-7].js
. Each query is worth 10 points. The entire project is worth 100 points. There are no private tests.
All files should be submitted to the Autograder. All test cases are graded separately, so you can submit just the files you want to have graded.
Remember to remove any print statements, as your submission will fail on the Autograder even if it compiles on CAEN.
Each team will be allowed 3 submissions per day with feedback; any submissions made in excess of those 3 will be graded, but the results of those submissions will be hidden from the team. Your highest scoring submission will be used for grading, with ties favoring your latest submission.
This project was written and revised over the years by EECS 484 staff at the University of Michigan. The most recent version was updated and moved to Primer Spec by Owen Pang.
This document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. You may share and adapt this document, but not for commercial purposes. You may not share source code included in this document.